As an affiliate of the American Public Health Association (APHA), the Oklahoma Public Health Association provides one representative to the APHA Governing Council.  This position is called the Affiliate Representative to the APHA Governing Council (ARGC) and is appointed by the OPHA President. The term of this position is three years and may serve more than one term. The ARGC is an Executive Director and voting member on the OPHA Board of Directors. ARGC must be a member of both OPHA and APHA.


OPHA ARGC responsibilities include:

  • Voting member of OPHA's Board of Directors.
  • Executive Director activities, including additional meetings and planning with other Executive positions (President, Treasurer, etc).
  • Attends and encourages other OPHA members to attend the APHA Annual Meeting & Expo Affiliate Day.
  • Participates in regional (Region 6 – Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & New Mexico) ARGC meetings and activities.
  • Formally liaises between OPHA and APHA for general and Council of Affiliates (CoA) activities, news, and state/national coordinated events.

APHA ARGC responsibilities include:

  • Keeps up with the APHA Policy Brief proposal process (new process as of November 2024).
  • Reviews and apprises the OPHA Board of proposed Policy Briefs, their progress, and relevance to OPHA.
  • Participates, as required or desired, in the annual Council of Affiliates (CoA) meetings (required) and elections (desired).
  • Notifies APHA Affiliate Affairs team of OPHA leadership and staff changes.
  • Reports on OPHA activities and efforts at the APHA Annual Meeting & Expo Affiliate Day meeting.
  • Participates and votes in APHA's Governing Council virtual mid-year meetings and in-person meetings at the Annual Meeting & Expo.

OPHA's Current ARGC – McKenzie Cowlbeck

For more information about the APHA Council of Affiliates, please go to:

Oklahoma Public Health Association
129 W Gray St #83
Norman, OK 73069